Its been a little quiet on the Store Front this past week as I finished up the school term with the day job. Now with the holidays upon us, its time to unleash a new Tally Ho Chap campaign around the War Comics collections with close to 1000 new comics going to be processed into the store over the next couple of weeks. Before I get to that allow me a little time to share with a small adventure from last week.
Last weekend I had the privilege of visiting the South Burnett/Toowoomba region here in QLD. Talk about a treasure trove of Australian Military WWII History! The importance of Australian regional rural communities in the Second World War can not be understated. In researching the contribution of the war effort in these areas from the recruitment of local populations and livestock to the various roles like holding camps for troops, supply depots, and raw materials you can sense their importance to our success in the war.
Thank you especially to the Yarraman Heritage Museum where I got to view some very extremely rare Military Memorabilia and listen to the considered stories from Rob, the museum tour guide, as he discussed many topics including, the controversial Brisbane Line, which was to be Australia's defensive line against Japanese Invasion. Now back to the store and a snapshot of a few new collections and items this week.
🗯️War Comics🗯️

We have picked up a lot of new Australian and New Zealand published War Comics. These comics are not known for their originality as it was often cheaper to buy the rights to an American or British comic strip and publish it here down under rather than ship them over.
Although copied these comics are actually are a lot larger in size than the original comic and also contain several stories in each of the comics. The majority have a real ANZAC exaggeration as characters are caricatured in their antipodean culture and language as they combat with overwhelming odds and still come out smiling with a joke on the last page with mates.
Purchase them from the here at the Australian and New Zealand Comics if you are looking for some interesting comic artwork and also seeking to collect a very niche area of War Comics.

If you are looking for a gritty War Comic collection then you can't go past the The 'Nam from Marvel.
Created by Vietnam Vet, Doug Murray who stated that he always wanted to work on a Comics Code-approved series in order to reach a broader audience. He said, "I wanted a way to at least tell a part of the story to the kids and maybe get other people to talk about it as well."
However, because of the Code, he was not able to address things like drug use or include swearing. Murray wanted to ignore politics and focus on the war from the average foot soldier's point of view.
Murray said that the comic was "a pretty accurate view of the way the average soldier looked at the war. It was outside ordinary experience. The world was elsewhere." Murray decided to do the comic book in real-time so that one issue equaled one month to convey the concept of short-time. Look out for several copies soon in The 'Nam War Comic Collection
💿War DVD Movies📀

Another Box of DVD's pulled from the Storage Vault with some excellent classic war film titles depicting the way you were always lead to believe war was always fought.
Battles between good guys and bad guys, where heroism abounded everywhere, and death on the battlefield meant grasping your chest with your hands in a bloodless display of grimacing silence.
Along with the various war film classics look out for some excellent new War Documentaries and DVD box sets. At last check we have close to 600 DVD titles in store so plenty to choose from.
Don't forget as part of our Brisbane rental program you get the following great deal for only $19.95/ Month
3 x Military Book Rental / Month
3 x Military Magazine Rental / Month
3 x War Comics Rental / Month
3 x War Movie DVD Rental / Month
Free delivery and pick up in Brisbane City
Just swap out your items each month and we can deliver your new selection to you each month in our special Tally Ho Chap Package.
📚Military Books📚

It wouldn't seem right to call ourselves a military bookstore without including some new Military books in the store this week.
After a very busy past couple of weeks where we processed close to 400 new Aviation and Military History books into the store... this week we have less quantity and more quality.
I won't say too much more otherwise you would never come and see for yourself. I can guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised with some very interesting insights into conflict history describing the characters whose command decisions shaped the world we now live in.
By the way we will be open 10am to 2pm Monday to Saturday this week only.
Google us and find us in Kate Street, Carina, Brisbane
Tally Ho!