880 Battle of Lüneburg Heath: Frankish King Louis III is defeated by the Norse
962 King Otto I of the Lombards (936-973) is crowned Holy Roman Emperor (962-973)
1119 Guy de Vienne elected Pope as Callistus II (1119-1124), later beatified
1141 Battle of Lincoln: Earls Ranulf of Chester & Robert of Gloucester defeat King Stephen of England & capture him for the Empress Matilda
1160 Crema in Lombardy, falls to Fredrick Barbarossa amid a great slaughter
1437 Angevins surrender Gaeta (besieged from Dec 24) to the Aragonese
1440 Frederick III of Habsburg is crowned Holy Roman Emperor (1437-1493)
1461 Battle of Mortimer Cross: Yorkists defeat the Lancastrians
1536 Buenos Aires founded
1645 Battle of Inverlochy: Montrose defeats the Campbells
1653 The Dutch government incorporates the City of Nieuw Amsterdam
1709 Alexander Selkirk is rescued from Juan Fernandez I. after five years in isolation, inspiring "Robinson Crusoe"
1797 Mantua surrenders to the French after an 8-month siege
1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican-American War
1854 Pope Pius IX issues an encyclical "On the Persecution of the Armenians"
1864 CSS 'Florida' begins a commerce raiding cruise (to Oct 7th)
1906 Pope Pius X issued an encyclical opposing separation of church & state
1909 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti publishes the "Futurist Manifesto," calling for "cleansing" by war
1913 Grand Central Terminal in NY opens
1915 Turks attack the Suez Canal from the Sinai (retire on the 3rd)
1920 Treaty of Tartu: Soviet Russia recognizes the independence of Estonia, ending 14 months of the war
1932 Geneva disarmament conference begins with 60 countries
1933 Chancellor two days, Adolf Hitler dissolves the Reichstag
1942 Bataan: Fil-Am troops counterattack
1942 British carrier 'Indomitable' arrives at Trincomalee, Ceylon
1942 LA Times urges security measures against Japanese-Americans
1942 US ceases production of private cars to convert to war production
1943 Timor: Australian guerrillas present since Dec 8, 1941, are withdrawn by sea.
1943 End of the Battle for Stalingrad: The remnants of the German Sixth Army surrender to the Soviets
1944 US troops advance rapidly on Kwajalein and nearby islands.
1945 Mass escape attempt at Mauthausen concentration camp
1972 Irate Dubliners torch the British Embassy to protest 'Bloody Sunday' in Derry
1982 The Hama Massacre: Syria's Baath leaders initiate the slaughter of at least 10,000 political opponents
1989 Soviet troops leave Afghanistan, ending nine years of war