509 BC Expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome & establishment of the Republic
628 A coup deposes Persian Shah Khosrau II (590-638), who is shortly murdered and installs his son Kavadh II, who dies only weeks later
1208 Giovanni Francesco Bernardone, 22, a veteran & former P/W, receives his calling - St. Francis of Assisi
1303 Battle of Roslin: Scots defeat the English
1389 Battle at Falkoping: The Danes defeat King Albert of Sweden
1509 Pope Julius II issues a Bull against dueling.
1525 Battle of Pavia: Devastating Spanish defeat of King Francis I of France, who is captured
1527 Ferdinand of Austria crowned King of Bohemia (1526-1564), later also HRE, etc.
1582 Pope Gregory XIII initiates the reformed "Gregorian" calendar, which Catholics adopt, but Protestants take longer, & Orthodox even longer, messing up the chronology
1739 Battle of Karnal: Nadir Shah's Persians defeat Muhammad Shah's Moghuls
1779 George Rogers Clark captures Vincennes from the British
1787 Goethe visits Itri
1793 French capture Breda in the Netherlands
1797 Lord Cawdor accepts the surrender of c. 1,500 French troops & two ships near Fishguard, Wales, ending the last invasion of Britain
1813 USS 'Hornet', under Captain James Lawrence, takes HMS 'Peacock'
1848 King Louis-Philippe abdicates, French Second Republic established
1863 Bedford Forrest raids Brentwood, Tennessee
1865 The Confederate Senate votes down the bill to put “200,000 negroes in the army”
1894 Nicaraguans capture Tegucigalpa, Honduras
1895 Cuban War for Independence begins
1917 Britain gives the "Zimmermann Note" to the United States, revealing German efforts to get Mexico and Japan to go to war with the US
1920 Nazi Party founded in Munich, Hitler not joining until later
1924 Greece ousts King George II to become a republic (1924-1937)
1933 League of Nations tells the Japanese to pull out of Manchuria
1942 USS 'Enterprise' (CV-6) raids Wake Island
1942 Heavy fighting for the Sittang River bridgehead in Burma.
1942 The "Second Battle of Los Angeles"
1944 Juan Peron, Minister of War, stages coup in Argentina
1944 TF 58 completes strikes against Saipan, Tinian, Rota, & Guam
1945 Manila liberated, after heavy fighting and serious civilian casualties from shelling and Japanese massacres
1948 Communist coup in Czechoslovakia
1949 V-2/WAC-Corporal Rocket reaches outer space at 400 km, White Sands
1966 Coup ousts President/Dictator Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (1957-1966)
1968 US and Vietnamese troops complete liberation of Hue
1970 Avalanche in Reckingen kills 29 Swiss Army officers
1991 Ground Phase of Operation Desert Storm begins, resulting in the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation within 100 hours
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Today in Military History (24 February)
Today in Military History (24 February)
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