14 An early morning lunar eclipse visible in Pannonia helps quell a mutiny among the legions garrisoned there
1160 Pope Innocent II granted Sicily to Duke Roger II de Hauteville of Apulia & Calabria, if he can conquer it from the Arabs
1414 Gaeta concludes an armistice with Count Giacomo of Fondi
1604 Battle of Kircholm: Poles defeat Charles IX of Sweden
1777 Battle of Germantown: Washington is defeated by the British in a close fight
1779 John Adams negotiates Revolutionary War peace terms with Britain
1810 Battle of Busaco: Wellesley's Anglo-Portuguese defeat the French
1821 Spain recognizes the Independence of Mexico
1863 Cavalry action at Moffat's Station, Arkansas
1864 Centralia Massacre: "Bloody Bill" Anderson's Rebel partisans massacre Union prisoners
1866 "Empress" Carlotta of Mexico mets with Pope Pius IX hoping to secure his support for her husband Maximiliane
1923 Italian troops evacuate Corfu
1935 Typhoon hits Japanese fleet during maneuvers, 52 die
1936 Spanish Nationalists relieve the Alcazar of Toledo, besieged by Loyalists since mid-July
1938 Jewish lawyers are forbidden to practice in Germany
1938 League of Nations declares Japan the aggressor in "China Incident"
1939 Warsaw surrenders to the Germans after a 19 day siege
1940 Black leaders protest discrimination in US armed forces
1940 Tripartite Pact: Nazi Germany, Italy, & Japan sign a formal alliance
1941 The SS 'Patrick Henry' was launched, the first of 2,710 "Liberty" ships that helped carry the war to the Axis
1942 Japanese aircraft bomb Marine positions on Guadalcanal.
1942 Papua: Japanese fall back from Ioribaiwa on the Kokoda Trail.
1944 Jewish US Army Nurse Reba Tobiason is captured by Germans near Aachen; later exchanged, the only American military woman captured in the ETO
1962 US sells Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel
1991 Pres GHW Bush ends full-time airborne B-52 bomber alert
1996 The Taliban capture Kabul, installing an Islamist theocracy in Afghanistan