266 BC Triumph of N. Fabius Pictor for the defeat of the Calabrians
188 BC Triumph of Quintus Fabius Labeo for the defeat of the Cretans
62 An eruption of Mt. Vesuvius causes earthquakes across western Italy and a tsunami that destroys c. 200 ships
1265 Guy le Gros is elected Pope as Clement IV (1265-1268)
1428 King Alfonso V orders conversion of the Jews of Sicily
1500 Triumphal return of Duke Ludovico "Il Moro" Sforza to Milan, after five years of French rule (deposed again in April)
1512 Gaston de Foix's Franco-Italian army captures Bologna
1740 Pope Clement XII restores the freedom of the Republic of San Marino, seized by Cardinal Alberoni the previous October
1782 A Franco-Spanish expedition liberates Menorca from 75 years of British rule
1795 French capture Zealand, the Netherlands
1807 Battle of Waltersdorf: Ney's French defeat the Prussians
1807 HMS 'Blenheim' (74) & HMS 'Java' (32) disappear in heavy weather off Madagascar
1864 Union troops occupy Jackson, Mississippi
1865 Battle of Hatcher's Run/Armstrong's Mill/Dabney's Mill, Va
1885 Leopold II of the Belgians establishes the murderous "Congo Free State"
1918 Stephen W Thompson becomes the first US pilot to down an enemy airplane
1918 The transport 'Tuscania' is torpedoed off Ireland by the U-boat 'UB-77', c. 210 died, the heaviest loss of American troops to a submarine in WW I
1941 Battle of Keren begins in Italian East Africa: Italian and colonial troops hold off Commonwealth and Free French forces until April
1942 Adm Yamamoto holds a staff conference aboard BB 'Nagato', to plan "Second Phase" operations, which will lead to the Coral Sea and Midway
1942 Singapore: Final elements of the British 18th Div arrive, by sea, as Japanese artillery bombards the city from across the Straits of Johore
1943 Germans deport 12,000 Jews from Bialystok to death camps
1943 Guadalcanal: CAM Div continues advancing, as Japanese warships evacuate thousands of troops
1944 US declares Kwajalein secured: Japanese 5,100 KIA, U.S. 142.
1945 New Britain: Australian troops land, further sealing off Rabaul
1958 A B-47 & F-86 collide at 36,000 feet off the Georgia coast, causing the loss of an H-Bomb, which is still missing
1967 Anastasio Somoza becomes "President" of Nicaragua (1967-1979), Fourth West Pointer to become chief executive of a country
1973 Funeral for Lt Col William Nolde, last US soldier killed in Vietnam
1983 Former Gestapo official Klaus Barbie brought to trial in Lyon, France
1985 Treaty of Tunis: The mayors of Rome and Carthage sign a treaty of friendship to officially end the Third Punic War, 2,131 years after the fall of Carthage
1994 Sometimes US Marine Byron De La Beckwith gets life for the 1964 murder of Medgar Evers, ETO veteran & civil rights worker