474 Coronation of Zeno as Eastern Roman Emperor (474-491)
1098 Battle of Harenc: Arabs fail to break the Crusader siege of Antioch
1307 Battle of Loch Ryan: Dugald Macdowell defeats Thomas & Alexander Bruce
1499 France & Venice form an alliance against Milan
1595 Battle of Chios: Inconclusive Venetian-Turkish naval action in the Aegean
1621 Election of Alessandro Ludovisi as Pope Gregory XV (Feb 9, 1621-Jul 8, 1623), last Pope elected by acclamation.
1649 Battle of Charenton: Conde defeats the Fronde rebels.
1654 Battle of Ft. Rocher: The Spanish capture the Engish pirate base at Torguga, in Haiti
1674 The English recapture NY from the Dutch
1799 West Indies: USS 'Constellation' takes French frigate 'L'Insurgente'
1849 The "Roman Republic" is established, overturning the papal rule, and instituting liberal reforms (Feb 9-Jul 2, 1849)
1861 Jefferson Davis chosen as President of the Confederacy
1861 Tennessee votes against secession
1864 Libby Prison, Richmond: 109 Union officers escape (50 later recaptured)
1864 President Lincoln poses for a photograph, which is later used for the image on the $5 bill.
1880 Barracks collapses at Constantinople, c. 200 die.
1904 A predawn Japanese torpedo boat attack on the Russian Fleet outside Port Arthur, initiates the Russo-Japanese War
1907 Battle of Danane, Somalia: Italians defeat the Bimali
1916 Britain adopts conscription for World War I
1934 Balkan Entente formed: Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey & Romania
1941 British troops capture El Agheila from the Italians
1941 Nazis provoke anti-Jewish riots in Amsterdam
1942 Bataan: Japanese suspend offensive operations to reorganize
1942 Singapore: Japanese effect second beachhead.
1942 US goes on War Time (Double Daylight Savings)
1943 FDR orders minimal 48-hour workweek in the war industry
1943 The Japanese are cleared from Guadalcanal, as US columns make contact at Cape Esperance, ending an epic campaign
1944 US asks China to try to get the Communists to help against the Japanese
1945 Germans blow up dams on the Ruhr
1945 Heavy fighting on Luzon.
1945 HM Submarine 'Venturer' sinks 'U-864' off Fedje, Norway
2001 USS 'Greeneville' (SSN-772) surfaces under the fishing boat 'Ehime Maru', sinking her