Hermann Historica OHG Dolche und Messer Aus Fern-Ost
Hermann Historica OHG Europaishce Dolche und Messer
Hermann Historica OHG Dolche und Messer Aus Dem Persischen Kulturraum
Hermann Historica OHG Dolche und Messer Vierte Folge
Hermann Historica München Auktion #43: Alte Waffen, Antiken.. (16 October 2002)
Vaaben-Historiske Aarboger Vol. XXXV (1989)
Smithsonian Institute: The Charles Bremner Hogg Jackson Collection (1996)
Vente Bibliotheque Imperiale de Dominique de Villepin (2008)
The Mabel Brookes Napoleonic Collection Catalogue (1989)
Notes Upon The Colonel Mark Wilks and Sir Tollemache Sinclair Napoleon..(c.1920)
Sotheby & Co Catalogue Of... ...Very Valuable Library... Earl of Rosbury (1933)
De Bonaparte a... Napoleon Librairie Historique Jean Clavreuil (1999)
Catalogue Des Reliques de L'Empereur Provenant de... Auction Catalogue (1924)
The John Gilbert Collection: Napoleonana And Americana Auction Catalogue (1939)
Archives Provenant Du General Comte Bertrand 1773-1844... (1983)
A Catalogue Of... A. M. Broadley... Comprising the Napoleon Collection (1916)
Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge... The Emperor Napoleon I... Auction Catalogue (1921)
The Sidney G. Reilly Collection: Literary, Artistic... Auction Catalogue (1921)
Wallis and Wallis Arms Fair Militaria Auction Catalogue (1972)
57x Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria (1975-81)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #183 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #204 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #198 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #207 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #199 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #195 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #205 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #202 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #186 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #184 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #185 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #196 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #200 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #192 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #193 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #187 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #208 (1975)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #209 (1975)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #210 (1975)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #191 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #201 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #182 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #197 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #194 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #206 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #181 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #203 (1974)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #188 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #189 (1972)
Wallis and Wallis Catalogue of Antique Arms and Armour, Militaria #190 (1973)
Wallis and Wallis Arms Fair Militaria Auction Catalogue (1974)
Selection Of 6x Militaria Auctions Catalogues (c.2012)
6x Antique Arms Collectors Society Of Australia Auction Catalogues (c.1970s)
Selection Of 7x Militaria Auctions Catalogue From The 1970s with Receipts
2x Colonial Arms Co. Auctions Catalogue From The 1970s
6x J. Burridge Auctions Catalogue From The 1970s
8x Geoff K. Gray PTY. Ltd Auction Catalogues From The 1970-80s with Receipts
26x I. Steer & Co Auctions Catalogue From The 1970s with Receipts
Hermann Historica Munchen Auktion #69 Book 1 & 2 (2014)
Colonial Auctions Catalogue #5 (2005)
C. J. Medals Auction #9 Catalogue (2007)
Colonial Coins and Medals Auction Catalogue (2010) By Peter J. Brooks