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Abraham Lincoln: Great American Historians on Our Sixteenth President (2008) By Brian Lamb and Susan Swan


In this beautifully designed volume, America's top Lincoln historians offer a diverse array of perspectives on the life and legacy of America's sixteenth president.


Spanning Lincoln's life—from his early career as a Springfield lawyer, to his presidential reign during one of America's most troubling historical periods, to his assassination in 1865—these essays, developed from original C-SPAN interviews, provide a compelling, composite portrait of Lincoln, one that offers up new stories and fresh insights on a defining leader.


Extras include a timeline of Lincoln's life, brief biographies of the 56 contributors, and Lincoln's most famous speeches.


  • Soft Cover
  • 371 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Abraham Lincoln: Great American Historians.. (2008) By Brian Lamb and Susan Swan

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