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Biggles' Dangerous Missions (2008) By Captain W. E. Johns


Four of the best Biggles stories are brought together in this celebration of the most popular boys adventure hero of the 20th century. First, flying to Australia on the trail of his old enemy, Von Stalhein, in the 1950s, Biggles uncovers a web of murderous intrigue and his plane is attacked by a giant squid in the rip-roaring adventure Biggles In Australia. Next, in Biggles: Secret Agent, during World War II Biggles is sent to Lucrania where Professor Max Beklinder has disappeared while working on secret research for Britain. Biggles job is to find him and bring him home, but Von Stalhein has other ideas! Then, immediately after World War II, Biggles, Algy, Ginger, and Bertie are recruited by Scotland Yard to track down an airborne gang of jewel thieves. Their adventures take them from Germany to the deserts of North Africa, in Biggles: Flying Detective. Lastly, in Biggles and the Secret Mission, our hero is given a special commission in the RAF in the late 1930s in order to solve the mysterious disappearance of supply ships in the Indian Ocean. Fighting off pirate cutthroats and hostile natives, he eventually discovers a secret submarine base.


  • Hard Cover
  • 782 pages
  • In Good Condition

Biggles' Dangerous Missions (2008) By Captain W. E. Johns

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