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Comrades in Arms (1951) By Captain W.E. Johns


Comrades in Arms by W. E. Johns is an anthology of short stories which was first published in 1947 by Hodder and Stoughton with a later edition in 1951. The title page of the book carries the subtitle: "Stories of 'Biggles' of the R.A.F., 'Worrals' of the W.A.A.F. and 'King' of the Commandoes". It is the only work by W. E. Johns which features Biggles, Gimlet and Worrals in the same book, although they do not all three appear in the same story.


  • Hard Cover 
  • 227 pages
  • In Good Condition

Comrades in Arms (1951) By Captain W.E. Johns

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