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Dedication of the New York Auxiliary State Monument on the Battlefield of Gettysburg (1926)


34 black-and-white photographs, nine maps, and battlefield scenes.


New York, in addition to being well to the fore among the states which were the earliest to begin erecting monuments at Gettysburg, continued construction work there long after the other Northern states - 17 in all - had ceased putting up memorials on that field to their troops and commanders. Monuments to the number of 841 have been erected by states and organizations at Gettysburg. Of that total 98 are credited to New York, which is the to state memorials, the bronze statues, and 88 monuments to the cavalry, artillery, engineer, and infantry regiments.


  • Hard Cover
  • 227 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Dedication of the New York Auxiliary State Monument... (1926)

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