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Der WeltKrieg German Cigarette Card Album (1933)


The album is complete, filled with detailed coloured cigarette cards depicting infantry, artillery, aircraft, cavalry, ships, drills, volunteer forces, etc.


German military Reichswehr cigarette card holder w/ 280 captioned cards from 1933.


The time is significant as this is the year when German Militarism ramped up with the coming to power of the Nazi Party.


An unusual Third Reich transitional color cigarette card album published by Waldorf-Astoria and Eckstein-Halpaus called Die Reichswehr which translates as “The Armed Forces”. Dating to 1933 it showed ordinary citizens that the German Armed Forces were alive and well in spite of the limitations imposed on it by the Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain at the end of World War I. The concept fit in perfectly with the strength of the Nazi Party and the appointment of its Führer Adolf Hitler, as Germany’s 23rd Chancellor.

An amazing piece of collectible history from a German Military Perspective.

Die Reichswehr German Cigarette Card Album (1933)

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