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Introduction of Women Into A Unique Environment, The RAN Submarine Service: Male/Female Cooperation and Organisational Advantage (1993) By Trevor J. Robertson


In December 1992 the Australian government opened a number of combat-related positions in the Australian Defence Force to women. From 1995 positions will include service in the COLLINS Class submarine, a state‐of‐the‐art vessel currently under construction in Australia for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).


This paper is the first analysis of issues surrounding the introduction of women into the COLLINS Class submarine and male/female co‐operation as an organizational advantage. The aim of the paper is to draw conclusions that would be useful in preparing a strategy for the RAN submarine service to achieve a successful integration of women into the RAN COLLINS Class submarine.

The major issue expected in introducing mixed‐gender crewing is to overcome the traditional prejudices that have been established in a totally male Submarine Service with a corporate history of some eighty years. The majority of difficulties will rest in the minds of those presently serving in the RAN Submarine Service.


The paper draws on data from Australian and international studies.


  • Soft Cover
  • 68 pages
  • In Good Condition

Introduction of Women Into A Unique Environment, The RAN (1993) By T. Robertson

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