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Kokoda Papers #6: Strategic Tides: Positioning Australia's Security Policy To 2050 (2007) By Allan Behm


The Strategic Tides project had its genesis in a conversation between several Kokoda Foundation members some four years ago, just as the Kokoda Foundation was being established. At the time, a vigorous debate was underway between strategy experts and other commentators who supported the Defence of Australia approach to national strategic planning (emphasising a balanced force that would enable Australia to dominate the maritime approaches to Australia the sea/air gap) and those who advocated an approach that would focus on the ability of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to project military power at great distances from Australia, wherever Australia's broader strategic interests were engaged (with an emphasis on expeditionary forces).


  • Soft Cover
  • 98 pages
  • In good condition

Kokoda Papers #6: Strategic Tides: Positioning Australia's (2007) By Allan Behm

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