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Scorched Earth: Propaganda (2000) DVD


This programme provides an intriguing look at the part played by propaganda as governments struggled to gain the upper hand in the war away from the battlefield. Methods were sometimes less than subtle, or in some cases, non-existent. However, Josef Göbbels honed the art of mass communication until, in the early days at least, it became one of Germany’s most effective weapons. Göbbels was the master of advancing the cause of National Socialism to his own people, although attempts to take the message to his enemies were less successful: the British people treated the rantings of ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ – the traitor William Joyce – with derision.

This comprehensive documentary features:
■ An in-depth analytical view
■ Interviews, with propaganda and military experts
■ Rare examples of propaganda posters and leaflets
■ The utilisation of detailed 3D graphics to illustrate strategies
■ The weapons and tactics that changed the face of war

■ Introduction
■ Propaganda Master
■ The Nazi Image
■ The Relentless Machine
■ Magazines & Film
■ A Change In Policy
■ End Credits

Scorched Earth: Propaganda (2000) DVD

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  • Scorched Earth: Propaganda

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