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The Major International Treaties 1914-1973: A History and Guide With Texts (1974) By J.A.S. Grenville


The texts are placed in a historical framework to clarify their relation to each other, and are supplemented by a description of the circumstances leading to their conclusion. Each group of treaties is prefaced by an introductory chapter which provides a short history and analysis of world events linked to the actual texts of the main treaties. The structure and development of international organizations, from the League of Nations to the enlarged European Economic Community, are also included. The texts are edited only to the extent of cutting out extraneous legal and other formal matter; where necessary, clauses are summarized in order to focus attention on the main provisions.


The book includes secret agreements of WWI; Peace settlements 1919-23; Allies, Turkey & Greece 1920-23; Soviet Union & her neighbours 1919-37 etc. 


This is a uniquely comprehensive guide to diplomatic history since the beginning of the First World War. Bridging law, politics, and history, it is indispensable to students of the twentieth century.


  • Soft Cover
  • 573 Pages
  • In Fair Condition

The Major International Treaties 1914-1973: A History (1974) By J.A.S. Grenville

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