264 BC Triumph of Consul M. Fulvius Flaccus, for defeating the Volsinii
82 BC Battle of the Colline Gate: Lucius Cornelius Sulla is victorious over the Samnites outside Rome, ending the Social War
630 Mohammed captures Mecca
866 Battle of York: Danish raiders defeat the Yorkists
1210 King John of England begins imprisoning Jews
1592 Battle of Busan: Korean ironclad "turtle boats" defeat the Japanese fleet
1765 Stamp Act goes into effect in British colonies, which object not over having to pay a tax, but over being denied the rights to have a say in legislation
1784 Maryland grants citizenship to Lafayette & his descendants
1806 Fra Diavolo taken at Baronissi by French Col Sigisbert Hugo (Victor's father)
1821 Greeks capture Missolonghi from the Turks
1835 Texians besiege of San Antonio (it falls Dec 4)
1860 Neapolitan 3rd Div occupies defensive positions at Itri, to resist the Italo-Piedmontese invasion
1861 Bvt Lt Gen Winfield Scott retires and George McClellan is named General-in-Chief of the US Army
1869 Red River Rebellion: Louis Riel seizes Fort Garry, Winnipeg
1904 Army War College opens, with Capt. John J. Pershing in the first class
1911 Flying an Etrich monoplane, Italian Lt. Garetti drops a hand-held bomb from 600 feet on the Tanguira Oasis, Libya, initiating a 20th-century custom
1914 Battle of Coronel: Von Spee's German cruisers annihilate a weaker British squadron off Chile
1914 Paul von Hindenburg is named commander-in-chief of German forces on the Eastern Front
1914 Pope Benedict XV calls for an end to 'the suicide of Europe' and is promptly lambasted by all sides
1916 Ninth Battle of the Isonzo begins (to Nov 4)
1918 Italian naval special operations forces sink the Austrian battleship 'Viribus Unitis', which is in Yugoslav hands
1922 Ottoman Empire abolished
1928 'Graf Zeppelin' sets an airship distance record, 6384 km
1932 Wernher von Braun named head of German liquid-fuel rocket program
1933 German Army creates its first panzer unit,
1936 Mussolini coins the phrase "The Axis"
1937 Battle for the Sihang Warehouse, Shanghai: under siege for six days, the Chinese 524th Regiment retreats; Chinese casualties, 10 k, 37 wounded, Japanese 200+ killed, an unknown number wounded
1939 Maiden flight of the Heinkel He 178, the first jet
1940 Fleetwood, Pa.: 1st US air raid shelter opens
1940 The Netherlands: Nazis establish a 2400-0400 curfew
1941 Japanese Navy changes call signs for all ships
1942 Guadalcanal: Marines attack across the Matanikau River
1943 Bougainville: 3rd Marine Div lands at Cape Torokina, Empress Augusta Bay
1943 'U-405' is engaged, rammed, & sunk off the Azores by USS 'Borie' (DD-215), which sinks the following day due to severe battle damage
1943 USN raids Japanese installations at Buin and Buka.
1948 Chinese Communists capture Mukden, Manchuria
1950 Puerto Rican nationalists attempt to kill Pres. Truman at Blair House
1951 First atomic explosion with troops present, NM
1952 First hydrogen device exploded, Eniwetok Atoll
1954 Algeria begins a rebellion against France
1954 General Fulgencio Batista elects himself president of Cuba for the second time (1940-1944, 1952-1959)
1955 Bomb destroys a UAL DC-6 above Longmont, Colorado, 44 die
1956 The Imre Nagy government of Hungary withdraws from the Warsaw Pact
1959 Revolutionary Nationalist Patrice Lumumba arrested in Belgian Congo
1960 Benelux Treaty goes into effect
1963 South Vietnam: Coup against the Ngo Dinh Diem gov't
1966 William Dana reaches 93 km altitude in the X-15