1355 Edward III lands at Calais for a new campaign against the French
1519 The first meeting between Hernan Cortes and Motecuhzoma II Xocoyotzin, in Tenochtitlan
1642 Battle of Breitenfeld: Swedes defeat the Imperialists
1783 Washington's "Farewell Address to the Army," at Rocky Hill, near Princeton
1789 French National Assembly confiscates Church property
1835 Sam Houston is chosen C-in-C of the Texas Army
1841 Akbar Khan ousts Shah Shuja in Afghanistan
1852 Franklin Pierce, Brig. Gen., U.S.V., is elected President of US
1867 Battle of Tahi: Brazilians partially encircle the Paraguayan fortress at Humaita
1880 James A Garfield, sometime Maj. Gen., U.S.V., is elected President
1914 "Battle of the Bees": A British attempt to capture Tanga, German East Africa, from the sea is defeated by the 5th, partially due to counterattacks by African bees
1914 Great Britain annexes Cyprus
1914 Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire
1916 Verdun: The French recapture Ft Vaux
1917 Balfour Declaration: Britain supports a Jewish homeland in Palestine
1917 First US troops KIA in France
1930 Ras Tafari crowned Emperor of Ethiopia as Haile Selassie (1930-1974, in exile 1936-1941)
1942 Aussie 25th Bde captures Kokoda, and its airfield, from the Japanese
1942 British breakthrough the Axis lines during the Battle of El Alamein
1942 Guadalcanal: "Tokyo Express" lands c. 1500 troops at Tetere
1943 Casa Nofi, Itri, Italy, has an unfortunate encounter with US fighter-bombers
1943 Empress Augusta Bay: Ineffective Japanese air raids on U.S. ships
1943 USN raids Japanese installations at Buin and Buka.
1944 US & Filipino troops clear Japanese from the central valley on Leyte.
1947 Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose" makes its only flight, c. 8 minutes
1956 Israel captures Gaza & Sheham
1962 JFK announces Soviets are dismantling their missile bases in Cuba
1982 Fire in Salung tunnel, Afghanistan, over 1,000 Soviet troops die
2000 Continuous crewing of the International Space Station began
2009 USS 'New York' (LPD 21) docks in her namesake city for the first time