326 St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, discovered the "True Cross"
996 Consecration of Pope Gregory V (996-999), the first German pope
1294 John II becomes Duke of Brabant, Lothier, and Limburg (1294-1312).
1342 Hartmann II becomes Baron of Liechtenstein (1544–1585)
1382 Battle of Beverhoudsveld: Ghent defeats Bruges, using firearms
1515 Portuguese fleet captures Hormuz, Persia
1568 The French burn the Spanish fort at San Mateo, Florida
1616 Treaty of Loudun: ends Second League of Prince's rebellion against Louis XIII (1615-1616)
1622 Portuguese Hormuz, besieged since 18 Feb, surrenders to an Anglo-Persian force
1678 French fleet attacks Dutch Curaçao, 1200 die
1800 Second Battle of Stockach: French defeat the Austrians
1808 The Russians capture Sveaborg from the Swedes
1809 Battle of Ebelsberg: French defeat the Austrians
1810 Lord Byron & Royal Marine Lt. William Ekenhead swim the Hellespont
1811 Five day Battle of the Fuentes de Onoro begins: Wellington defeats the French
1814 Napoleon arrives on Elba
1815 Battle of Tolentino: Austrians defeat King Joachim Murat of Naples
1844 Anti-Catholic rioting in Philadelphia leaves six dead, many injured, and several churches burnt
1846 The Mexican Army invades Texas
1861 Lincoln orders expansion of Army by 23,000 and Navy by 18,000
1861USS 'Surprise' captures Confederate privateer 'Savannah'
1861 Winfield Scott proposes the "Anaconda Plan"
1863 Battle of Salem Church, VA
1898 Marines raise Old Glory over Cavite, the Philippines
1936 French Popular Front wins elections
1938 The Vatican recognizes Franco's government in Spain
1938 Hitler arrives at Rome to confer with Mussolini and see the sights, but the Vatican is "closed for maintenance"
1942 Nazis require Dutch Jews to wear a Star of David
1942 Solomon Is.: Japanese troops occupy Tulagi, Gavutu, & Tanambogo
1943 US 1st Armored Div captures Mateur, Tunisia
1944 Allied aircraft begin mining waters off Rangoon and Bangkok
1944 Meat rationing ends in US
1945 Allies arrest German nuclear physicist Werner Heisenberg
1945 British troops liberate Rangoon from the Japanese
1945 Polish 10th Armoured Brigade captures Wilhelmshafen
1945 RAF sinks several German prison-ships in Lubeck Bay, c. 7,500 die
1946 The Allied Military Tribunal in Tokyo begins war crimes trials
1949 First firing of a US Viking rocket, to 80 km
1982 Falklands War: Argentine Exocet sinks HMS 'Sheffield'
1983 US Catholic bishops condemn nuclear weapons
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已編輯: 2020年5月03日
Today in Military History (3 May)
Today in Military History (3 May)
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