63 BC Catiline and his insurgents capture Faesulae, in Etruria
43 BC Bononia Conference: Octavian, Lepidus, & Antony formed the Second Triumvirate, to avenge Caesar’s death and plunder the state
654 Battle of the River Winwaed: King Penda of Mercia defeats King Oswy of Benicia
1202 The Fourth Crusaders captured Christian Zara for Venice, to pay their fare to the Holy Land, to fight Saracens
1283 Ghibellines defeat the Guelfs in faction-fighting at Treviso
1325 Battle of Zappollino: c. 10,800 Modenese defeat c. 22,000 Bolognese
1533 Francisco Pizarro arrives at Cuzco
1793 Battle of Wattignies, Day 1: French v. Austrians
1796 Battle of Arcola, Day 1: Bonaparte's French v. Austrians
1855 Inkerman, near Sebastopol: A large store of ammunition explodes with great loss of life among British & French troops
1864 Sherman burns what the Confederates haven't of Atlanta
1884 Congress of Berlin carves up Africa among European powers
1889 Emperor Dom Pedro II (1831-1889) is deposed as the Republic of Brazil is proclaimed
1899 Winston Churchill is captured by the Boers
1914 Benito Mussolini founds "Il Popolo d'Italia", a pro-war newspaper
1916 Maj. Winston S. Churchill takes command of a platoon of the 2nd Grenadier Guards, in the trenches on the Somme
1920 League of Nations establishes the Free City of Danzig
1938 Farewell Parade of the International Brigades in Barcelona
1940 Uncle Sam's first 75,000 drafted nephews report for duty
1942 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Day 4: pre-dawn surface action by battleship 'Washington' (BB-56) secures command of the seas
1942 Church bells ring across Britain for the first time since the German invasion threat of 1940, to celebrate victory in the Battle of El Alamein
1943 US bombers from China attack harbor installations in Hong Kong.
1957 US sentences Soviet spy Rudolf Ivanovich Abel (Vilyam Genrikhovich Fisher) to 30 years; in 1962 he is traded for U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers
1967 Michael Adams in X-15 reaches 80 km
1969 Vietnam Moratorium Day: nationwide protests against the war, including 250,000 people in Washington
1983 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus proclaimed